My Private Scream Journal

My Private Scream Journal

My Self-guided Journal of Exercises, Writing Prompts, and Coloring Pages is finally finished.

Do you like cats? You will love this cat guided journal.

Join me and the cats on a journey through a guided journal “My Private Scream Journal.” The journal is an interactive self-guided journal of exercises, writing prompts, and coloring pages. I have also included pages for drawing and coloring.

Scream out your frustration, clean out your brain, reflect and grow.

My Private Scream Journal

The world we live in now is a crazy upside-down world.

The black and white guided journal is full of writing prompts, coloring pages, and cats. The journal is a way to encourage someone to write down all of their frustrations and fears. Writing and coloring can be very healing. 


We all need a way to express our feelings and thoughts to heal and discover ways to change and improve our current reality.

Below are some of the spreads I have created for the journal.

My Private Scream Journal Coloring pages

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